Persecuted: The Church at Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11

Persecuted: The Church at Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11

22-1023: Jesus is the Sovereign King who has conquered and calls His people to Be Faithful and receive the crown of life. Jesus has nothing against this church. But what He has for this church is not easy to hear. Suffering is not merely a possibility for a Christian, but a reality for which the Scriptures teach one to be ready. Christians must hold the mindset that we suffer for the mission, and often, in the mission, but this neither threatens nor stops us because the One we worship is sufficient. The Christian hope in Jesus transcends this world to strengthen us for any and every reality we face in this world! In this message, Pastor Lane points to three qualities of our conquering King that compel the Christian to not fear and Be faithful. We pray this message helps and encourages.

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