Thanksgiving Psalm 100

23-1119: The Lord God fills our heart with thanksgiving as we fill our life with His God-ness and goodness. In an age of rage as the anticipated and arguably the most favorable response, thanksgiving is far too rare. It seems to occupy less and less priority to subsequently have become far too rare on our lips. The only reason things don’t cross our lips is because our heart is not filled with it, because what fills the heart spills forth from our lips. Thanksgiving wanes because we are so consumed with all we could have we’ve forgotten how to be thankful for what we DO have. In this message, Pastor Lane draws from a Psalm written to lead God’s people to exult in Him to identify four practices that cultivate thanksgiving. We pray this message helps and encourages.

1 Comment

  1. Nancy Reeves
    November 21, 2023

    Thank you, Lane. I guess you know that Daddy always had us to quote Psalm 100 around the table on Thanksgiving, but I had never really thought about the meaning of entering His court as a special place or time to commune with God. I love knowing that to bless His name is sharing the faithfulness of God and His God-ness. I have read this several times and feel so blessed with this insight and thankfulness for His God-ness, not just His goodness. Happy Thanksgiving!


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