Sibling Rivalry. Divine Lineage. Genesis 4-5

19-1124: A hard heart toward God produces unlimited wickedness, but the heart surrendered to God produces compounding glory. The chapters immediately following the fall of humanity demonstrate the rapid, expansive and pervasive spread of sin. This is graphically seen first in Cain’s murder of Abel. Sin does not wait to drive its slave to an extreme. This extreme is startling because it arises from a righteous deed disregarded by God.We learn that righteous deeds done out of an unrighteous heart (absence of faith) are as evil before God as any unrighteous deed that manifests the full measure of the heart. This demands one look more closely at where and how sin works most potently to consider the relationship between the practice of and motivation for our worship. And, to recognize that the way you live and the orientation of the heart, influences others to that same end. Sin hardens the heart toward God to produce wicked living, but the heart surrendered to God walks in His blessing to produce compounding glory.  In this message, Pastor Lane offers three application to evaluate your heart and align your motivation with your practice for true worship through righteous living by faith. We pray this message helps and encourages you.

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