The Flood: Wickedness, Judgement and Promise Genesis 6-8:19

19-1201: Sin grieves God deeply and He will not tolerate wickedness, but Jesus makes one righteous and holds us safe in God’s eternal salvation. Nothing stands in such stark contrast to the creation narrative as Genesis 6-8. When God looked on creation he saw it was “good”. Here, when God looked on the earth, he regretted because he was grieved by man’s sin. These chapters bring into sharp focus ‘what God saw’ when He looked on the earth. And in the midst of the increasing, overwhelming and accelerating spread of sin and wickedness, God saw Noah, a righteous and blameless man in His generation. He chose Noah to execute His redemptive plan in that generation. In this message, Pastor Lane walks through the flood narrative to recount how something far more glorious than the wickedness God saw allowed Him to set his favor on Noah and use him to save humanity and creation. We pray this message helps and encourages you.

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