The Fall, part 2 – Sin’s Curse and Condemnation Genesis 3:14-24

19-1117: All live under sin’s curse that condemns, but Jesus became our curse and bore our condemnation for us that we might be reconciled to God. Continuing to build on the previous message, Pastor Lane provides Moves 3 and 4 of man’s fall to depravity. Once deceived and acting in sinful rebellion, sin continues its full effect to condemn us in life. And there are unique and specific effects on the woman and the man. Then, considering God’s curse on sin, he shows how God’s grace comes through the curse and casting out of Eden. Finally, with the full effect of sin’s curse and condemnation heaped on, the good news breaks forth. Jesus became our curse to bear our condemnation for us. We pray this message helps and encourages you.

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