Scott Ogden Introduction

I would like to introduce you to Scott Ogden, our most recent candidate for eldership at LifePoint Church. Scott has been a covenant member with LifePoint for over six years, serving in a variety of capacities including hosting Explore LifePoint, greeting, and ushering. He has also led a number of community groups, which he...

Intern Profile: Nathan Shaver

LifePoint, last week you were introduced to Caleb Fritz. I would like you to get to know another 2014 intern, Nathan Shaver. Nathan began attending LifePoint Church in December of 2013.  He is a Kansan who was raised in the small rural community of Columbus.  At the age of nine he responded to God’s...

Intern Profile: Caleb Fritz

Let me introduce you to Caleb Fritz, one of our 2014 interns. Caleb Fritz has been with LifePoint for three years. He grew up in the Pacific Northwest in the greater area of Seattle, Washington. Feeling God’s call to pastoral ministry, he moved to the Ozarks region to study Biblical Studies at Evangel University....

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