Entrusted with the Gospel 2 Timothy 1:3-14

23-1001: God entrusts the treasure of the gospel to all who believe in Jesus to serve in our generation and pass it on to the next. Paul, now advanced in years, writes to a younger Timothy while awaiting sentencing from his second imprisonment. There is a seriousness in what he writes to clarify what is most important to Timothy, knowing this will likely be his last opportunity. Timothy is no longer a kid but has gained some experience; long enough to be familiar with the weight of gospel ministry, but tempted to shrink back in the face of suffering without Paul’s guidance and encouragement. Paul is strengthening Timothy for the great work of serving in gospel mission and to stand firm in his leadership. Drawing from his own experience, Paul knows his own life will soon end and he is doing all he can to ensure he passes the “baton of gospel mission” strongly to Timothy. In this message, Pastor Lane identifies three recognitions that must mark us as entrusted with God’s treasure in the gospel, to pass it on to the next generation. We pray this helps and encourages.

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