CONVERSION: Retaliation Matthew 5:38-42

19-0616: Christians entrust all of life to Jesus to love others deeply and live generously for His glory and to share the gospel. Addressing the topic of how Christians respond to attacks, wrongs and hurts from others, Pastor Lane shows how retaliation is always wrong for the Christ-follower. Jesus teaches that no matter how an evil act may be committed against us, we can trust that He is sufficient and faithful to administer justice on our behalf. Jesus died on the cross once and for all to defeat Satan and evil. When a Christ-follower refuses to retaliate, we testify that King Jesus is worthy of our faith and able to rule in righteousness and love. We are set free to live as a faithful testimony of His sovereign Lordship. Three principles help every person to live under King Jesus’ in response to evil and guide us to love and live generously. We pray this message helps and encourages you.

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