Faith Over Fear Matthew 14:22-33

Obedience is not about accomplishing something FOR God but trusting in Him to be brought close WITH God and made LIKE Him. Peter lost focus on Jesus by seeing the wind. Jesus allows our failure to teach us His sufficiency. He is not afraid of your little faith, but He calls you to Himself...

Serve to Bless Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus takes a meager portion measured to feed a boy and blesses it to satisfy the multitude of thousands. Surely if a Christ-follower is to learn anything about serving from this miracle it is this, that a lack of natural resource never means lack of supernatural provision for ministry. ...

Water to wine John 2:1-12

16_1016: Jesus reveals God’s glory that we might believe and follow Him. John 2 begins Jesus’ public ministry at a wedding by turning water to wine. Regardless of the fact that a miracle was performed, only a few people were aware of it because most were “inebriated” and missed it. John the author tells...

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