Entrusted with the Gospel 2 Timothy 1:3-14

23-1001: God entrusts the treasure of the gospel to all who believe in Jesus to serve in our generation and pass it on to the next. Paul, now advanced in years, writes to a younger Timothy while awaiting sentencing from his second imprisonment. There is a seriousness in what he writes to clarify what...

Running in Rebellion Jonah 1

23-0903: God calls people for His glory and pursues us in our rebellion to save us by His relentless grace. Jonah is an interesting story with a maximum amount of drama compressed into only a few shorts chapters. Like watching a father and his son, Jonah shows us how big, how REALLY big, God’s...

Jesus is Lord Matthew 16

23-0618: Jesus is Lord; the life lived by this faith confession is surrendered to glorify Him in every way. Against the backdrop of religious unbelief and worldly idolatry, Jesus teaches his disciples the true power of God to overcome the world. He teaches them of His death and resurrection, and what a life lived...

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