Joseph’s Dream – A Faithful Witness Genesis 37

21-0221: The Christian confession “Jesus is Lord” shapes a God-centered worldview as we proclaim Him in faithful witness. As Genesis moves to follow the story of Joseph’s life it begins with two dreams. When he shares these dreams with his brothers it makes them hate him, even more than they did before. But that does not stop Joseph from sharing his dreams. In this message Pastor Lane introduces the final portion of the Genesis study that surveys the question of perspective, “How do I view the world to find meaning in understanding?” As we are introduced to Joseph we see that he is both a type in the Old Testament that point us to Jesus, and a model that shows the value and potency of a faithful witness. Three factors from Joseph’s story show how a faithful Christian witness shapes a distinctively God-centered worldview. In the end, keeping our eyes focused on Jesus to walk by faith means resting in this, that what God has given us to know is enough for us. We pray this message helps and encourages.

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