Three for COMPELLED! — An Update.

Two weeks ago we launched our COMPELLED campaign at LifePoint Church. This past Sunday we delivered the details of the campaign to the church body. This campaign leads us into the largest, single step of missional advancement in our LifePoint’s now thirteen year history. This reality is validated in a number of ways. The project’s scope, magnitude and preparation are all greater than any other we’ve embarked upon. I want to share three priorities by which we must labor and measure the success of this campaign, three evidences of God’s work among us, and three prayer requests prayer requests for every LifePointer in this season.

Three Priorities

The real measure of this campaign rests on three priorities. First, we must lead the church to labor for unity in all. The extent to which the strength of our unity grows will be the greatest measure of this campaign’s success. Second, we must labor for clear communication, both to and from the congregation. The clarity and effectiveness of our communication will be measured by how well we address each person’s questions and concerns, and how powerfully the vision resonates with the congregation. Third, we must engage every person in this campaign. This gets to the heart of LifePoint’s vision because engaging people is the first step to leading them to be real Christ-followers in life…together.

There is already compelling evidence that these priorities are being accomplished. (Sorry-not sorry for the pun.)

Three Evidences of God at work

When you enter a season of such strategic importance, it is important to watch for initial signs of right directional momentum and movement. Let me share three ways God is already working at LifePoint.

One great evidence of our strong unity is the accomplishment of our first step, moving to three worship gatherings. Learning a new Sunday morning rhythm has been a big challenge in many ways, but the Lord has shown favor. We’ve seen people of all ages surrendering to the Lord, ministries are growing in strength and number, and our services are piqued with a sense of Spirit-expectation and power. This is the Spirit of the Lord among us, LifePoint!

The next two evidences are a combination of our second and third priorities, the way people have spoken of and served our mission and vision. Preparation began last Fall, and people have been serving throughout this year for this campaign. The number of people leading strategic elements of this campaign, and the effectiveness with which every aspect has been accomplished is a first for LifePoint. I promise this, though, it will not be a “last”. We’re learning a new normal that will continue. Clear communication has been key to this new level of complexity. The Lord has strengthened LifePoint by spreading the weight of responsibility for serving farther than it has ever been, and maintaining our strength through mutual encouragement. This evidence is glorious!

Finally, I urge LifePoint to join together in prayer.

Three Requests to focus our prayers

Our campaign Co-Directors, Chuck and Joyce Penland, shared testimony of how God has worked to prepare them for their role in COMPELLED. Chuck concluded by sharing three requests that he and Joyce developed together. I appeal to all of LifePoint to embrace these requests personally, and use them to guide their prayers.

Lord, I pray that you will lead us in COMPELLED that…

  1. We will be willing to be vulnerable and let God use us in spite of our fears and reservations.
  2. With an expectation of your leadership and power, Lord, that we would accept the daily responsibilities with joy and anticipation of how God wants to accomplish His purpose.
  3. When we enter into God’s service as a couple, that our relationship with God and each other will be strengthened.

LifePoint, be persistent, unrelenting, unceasing and unwavering in prayer. For, this we know…

Prayer is our first act of love;

our first labor of mission!


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