Impact:KC2014, a life transformed by Gospel mission


I spent 30 hours in Kansas City, MO, this weekend with the LifePoint Student Ministry mission team, comprised of 19 students and 8 adults.  The time I shared with them was consumed with worship, training, preparing and praying for a week of Gospel ministry to children and families.  The local church partner, Beverly Hills Baptist Church led by Pastor Bryan Grout, hosted the training of just over 120 missionaries from  eight churches preparing to GO throughout the city.  The project is facilitated by Global Encounter under the leadership of Bob Caldwell.


Impact:KC is the culmination of weeks of planning and preparation for our students.  This is the second year for LifePoint students to participate.  I have witnessed some of their weekly trainings, watched them serve at LifePoint to practice their training and now they are on the field leading the mission. This pastor’s heart could not be more inflamed with joy and glory.


I wanted to share with them the difference this week would make in their lives. But the thought hit me that this week will likely not change their lives. Rather, this week will radically transform their lives. After all, most of them are age 15 or under, with only a couple of older students. “Change” insinuates something turning ‘from what was’ to ‘what now is’. “Transform”, on the other hand, means a radical newness of being that begins from within. These students are beginning to think about and form their own worldview. I am overjoyed because personal participation in gospel mission is shaping their worldview.


Allow me to share several evidences of grace and the work of Holy Spirit that have sparked my joy, as a pastor and father, as I see spiritual growth and maturity among the students. My heart is encouraged by…


…NEW LIFE. Following worship Saturday night, one student sought out a couple of leaders to talk. After sharing a new understanding of the Gospel, she placed her faith in Christ as Savior and Lord and became a Christian. Never take for granted any moment or any amount of sharing the Gospel. You never know when faith will form for conversion. This salvation confirms all the student summer training because she participated in them.


…students’ readiness to worship, pray, serve & whatever is asked. This group came ready to go to war! They are serious and focused about the work they are here to do. You do not have to ask them a second time. Whatever the need of the moment, they are on it! Passionate in worship, lingering in fervent prayer and serving with joy, the Spirit is evident in their hearts and minds.


…student’s generosity to give in offering. We worshiped with the host church Sunday morning. When the offering was received, the vast majority of LifePoint students gave of their own money. Praise God that students are practicing faithful stewardship and generosity to invest in mission through their finances as well as their talents and gifts.


…a genuine sense of Christian fellowship & community. Opportunities to complain, grow frustrated or disgruntled abound. Sleep and shower facilities and arrangements are not ideal. Training and serving hours are long and hard, and now they’re getting hot. Against a host of challenges, their conversations, interactions and attitudes are not only enduring, but excelling in expanding joy.


…the team is led by 6 adults, 3 men & 3 women. Plus, two other adults have come to serve the whole mission. God intended the Gospel to be taught and trained from one generation to the next. Impact:KC2014 should remind us that no one is better designed to train students and kids in gospel mission than dad and mom.


I am humbled, honored and overjoyed to pastor this team. I pray the students’ passion for the Gospel and for the peoples of the world spread throughout LifePoint like a raging wildfire, burning everything in glory for Jesus. Pray for Impact:KC2014. Pray that God will multiply the Kingdom through LifePoint’s faithful mission engagement.


  1. JoAnn Smith
    July 22, 2014

    I am so blessed to see our great God working in our grandson Joshua’s life as his world view is being established in his life at a young age before he ever goes to college. I am praying that all of these young people will be firmly established in the gospel as they fully commit this week to God’s kingdom work.

  2. joannsmithJoAnn Smith
    September 2, 2014

    I have just listened to the introduction to Deut. and can hardly wait to study this book along with all of you. Larry and I have seen God move us out of the walls of the church to “the least of these” and have seen the hurt and suffering here in Tennessee. Surely the Gospel is the ONLY hope for this world of lost people.


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