Character is justified by deeds

“Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.” Matt 11:19

 When attacked, how do you respond?

Often we respond to defend our character so people will know how to think about us.  But consider this motivation or purpose for defending.  Our words prove weak to control how people think about us.  Actions speak loudest when desiring to influence the thoughts, feelings and attitudes of others.

What does happen, as Christians, when we strive to defend our character?

We fail to bear witness to Christ because we become consumed with defending our own character.

When Christ is your consuming life, you need not fear the defense of your character.  Only, proclaim Jesus, his character, life, teaching, death and power in resurrection.  The deeds that flow from a life consumed with Jesus will speak in greater power than any culmination of words you may muster or articulate.

When you stand complete in Christ, Christ will stand up for your character.  Trust.  Rest.  Obey.  Live.  Jesus.



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