Leadership energizes me.


LifePoint held its fourth annual Leadership Conclave Sunday night. For those unaware or unfamiliar with the word “conclave,” it means an assembly or gathering, especially one that has special authority, power, or influence. Evidently a number of leaders were convinced this was little more than just another “Lane-ism,” a new word created by Pastor Lane to make a special point of impact. Hopefully it made an impact for what it really means because this gathering each year has proven to be a powerful time of unity and focus for mission. As I unwind from this incredible day I am reminded, leadership energizes me.

When you look out on a room full of people that are leading and serving in the church, a leader can’t help but be moved. This group of people love Jesus, and they love LifePoint. Love makes the audience captive because they care about what is going on. When leaders gather, there is a certain energy that is present. This “present energy” is a great encouragement to me and an even greater help to the church. I want to share four qualities of leadership that I believe causes the energizing factor, and in the process brag on our LifePoint leaders and servants.

  1. First, people energize leadership when they serve where they are gifted and called. I was reminded of this Sunday night when a lady approached me and said, “Pastor, this is the first church my husband and I have ever been a part of where we felt no guilt, but only freedom and encouragement to serve. Thank you.” Guilt is a horrible motivator. People are too often guilted into serving to fill a slot. This inevitably breeds frustration and weariness and can lead to disillusionment with God through burnout. God designed serving to be an expression of relationship with him, not an act of begrudging relationship with him. When people serve in a gifting and calling, they are energized by grace from Holy Spirit. Serving is essential for the growth and maturity of a Christian, but it is seldom easy. Grace makes serving beneficial both for the one serving and the one served.
  2. Second, people energize leadership when they serve in humility. Humility is the defining characteristic in the life of a servant. It may sound ironic that a servant can lack humility, but this is often the case. The true test is whether serving grows a genuine joy and gratitude or a swelling sense of entitlement that results in bitterness and envy against others. Humility leads one to serve out of love and joy, while increasing it all the more. Humility creates within the servant a hunger to follow leadership. Humility grows gratitude not only in serving, but in all other areas of life. When one serves in humility, there is no end to their strength for service because they are depending fully upon the Lord.
  3. Third, people energize leadership when they serve to multiply the laborers. As I scanned the crowd Sunday night one thought hit home. Many of these people were sitting next to others that they invited to serve alongside them, or as we say at LifePoint, “together.” Anything that produces joy and love is always worth sharing because it multiplies what it produces. Serving is no different. Next to call and gifting for service that comes from God, serving together with one another is the greatest of blessings.
  4. Fourth, people energize leadership when they get the vision. This may be the most energizing of all other factors. As we closed our time Sunday night we held a corporate prayer. I invited people to pray aloud as the Spirit led. Hearing our people pray was such a blessing. They get the vision of our church. Their heart is for Christ, for the church, and for the city. Their desire is to see the gospel radically change lives where they live and beyond. I am humbled and energized from a room full of servant leaders.

I have learned in over 24 years of ministry that there never seems to be enough leaders. Do not let this stop you. Start and labor with the ones you have. Servants will produce servants and leaders will produce leaders. Focus on what you can do with the ones you have, instead of what you cannot do. I believe you will find that people energize leadership when they serve from call and gifting, in humility, multiplying laborers and genuinely get the vision.


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