Prayer walking and gospel impact.

We worked through the outlying streets from the city, moving further out each day. We met some great people even though our communication was strained by the language barrier. We were even able to share coffee with some of the homes. The first several days of our work God was moving in powerful ways and giving us opportunity to share the gospel and see people receive Christ.

On Wednesday morning we began prayer walking. This day started differently and seemed to have a heavier feel to it.  Due to schedule constraints we were unable to spend as much time working that day, so we decided to begin going door-to-door earlier. We reached the end of a street that was more removed than most and that we had not yet prayer walked. We heard someone inside, but they would not answer the door. Finally the door cracked, and a lady told us that she could not talk to us. When our translator asked why, she responded that the witch lady and devil dog would not allow her. We didn’t understand what she was saying, so we inquired more. After pointing across the street at the last house and saying something about the witch doctor, we turned to see a lady at that house watching us. Word had spread that we were in town, and the witch doctor was not happy. Finally the lady spoke some words about the devil dog coming after her and shut the door. We walked away more exhausted this day and without one receptive conversation.

Prayer is vital to gospel mission. This story recounts just one example of countless times I have experienced prayer’s immediate impact. Today LifePoint begins a four week Impact strategy of engaging people in our city and neighborhoods with the gospel.  Prayer walking is the foundation of our people going into the city.  We are asking God to bring spiritual awakening in our city and revival in our churches.

Prayer walking is a simple method of gospel labor, and one of the most effective. When you walk through a neighborhood, you move at a slower pace and see things that help you know how to pray. Toys in the yard, decorations, and other items reveal what’s important and triggers ideas and ways to pray. It is hard to overstate the value of people being able to see what they are praying for while they are praying. A greater sensitivity in prayer occurs. The Spirit leads and gives insight for prayer.

Prayer walking makes one’s heart more sensitive to gospel mission. When a heart is softened, one begins to see the practical needs of people in our city and pray for them. Honestly praying for people makes it almost impossible to be hard toward them. This spiritual sensitivity makes prayer walking one of the greatest tools for God to use in softening our heart to love our city with gospel compassion.

Our hope for this Impact the City strategy is three-fold. We want God to soften our hearts and give us a greater love and compassion for our city. We want deeper spiritual insight into the lives of the people and the spiritual state in the city. We desire to plant new community groups in neighborhoods where we do not yet have a lighthouse. Our vision is that every LifePoint home become a lighthouse in their neighborhood.

God, gives us our city for the gospel and the sake of your great name.

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