Building a culture of participation in worship.

This is a guest post by LifePoint’s worship leader Tyler Greene. +++++ Over the past year at LifePoint, we’ve grown significantly in our worship. In fact, when it comes to our culture of worship, I believe we, as a church, currently find ourselves in a paradigm shift; our congregational life is evolving. We aren’t...

Culture, Christianity, and the Church.

The state of Christianity in America today is a topic of great debate. Depending on where you live, the conversation is likely traced through a varied vernacular. At the heart of the conversation is the question, “Is Christianity, and specifically the Church, shrinking or growing?” A couple of weeks ago, the Pew Forum on...

Five common areas for gospel potency.

LifePoint Church has recently completed a five-week study on what we call “Ethos” — how Christian identity and stewardship create a defining characteristic among the body of Christ. The final week, this past Sunday, I preached on the gospel as the source, or seed, that grows this distinctive Christ-like DNA. Groups are currently enjoying fellowship...

Hospitality and the Ozarkian culture shift.

We have been studying the identity of a Christ-follower the last several weeks in a series entitled “Ethos.” The final sermon in the series was entitled “life as a steward,” how Christians live “in God’s kingdom for his mission.” Life as a steward for the Christian is the foundation for all missional expression, every moment...

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