God So Loved John 3:16-21

16_1113: God saves people from sin’s condemnation because He loves us and wants all to walk in His light for His glory. John pauses from his narrative discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus to clarify his message of God’s love and salvation. False understandings of salvation are not new. Man has always tried to build...

True Belief John 2:23-25

16_1030: Jesus entrusts Himself to those who truly believe in Him as the Christ of God. At the close of chapter two, John provides a reflection on the two introductions that he has provided of Jesus. He makes a startling statement; Jesus does not entrust himself to everyone who believes. These three verses create...

Water to wine John 2:1-12

16_1016: Jesus reveals God’s glory that we might believe and follow Him. John 2 begins Jesus’ public ministry at a wedding by turning water to wine. Regardless of the fact that a miracle was performed, only a few people were aware of it because most were “inebriated” and missed it. John the author tells...

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