Church planting challenges, part 2

Note: This is the second article addressing challenges in church planting. You can read the first here. Planting churches means working through challenges that arise. Working through these challenges reveals the real grind of mission that heightens a demand for the Gospel, within individuals and a congregation. The whole church must work through these...

Summer 2014: pressing in to press on.

Summer is an interesting season in American culture, typically known for major schedule shifts, vacations, late nights and the like.  Summer too often assumes a “check out” mentality rather than a “strive toward” attitude. Several years ago I began to implement a strategic shift in my sumer schedule. Several factors contributed to allow this shift....

Principles of Public Confession

The practice of confession has proven to be a liberating discipline for my life. Freedom in Christ is a great blessing. Our experience of freedom quickly erodes, though, when we fail to practice confession in life and allow unconfessed sin to remain. Confession as a spiritual discipline is essential for Christian growth in holiness...


A Radical Commendation // Sermon

Pastor Lane continues his Freedom series study in Galatians with “A Radical Commendation” and five truths to commend every person to walk in step with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sermon text is from Galatians 2:1-14    ...


A Radical Transformation. // Sermon

Pastor Lane continues his Freedom sermon series this week with “A Radical Transformation,” from Galatians 1:11-24, with three truths to understand the power of God in salvation.  Three benefits of witnessing for your spiritual life are also offered as an encouragement to be a witness for Jesus Christ.  ...

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