21-0214: God guards His salvation by calling people to Himself in worship, obedience and mission. In this final Jacob narrative, God calls him to go to Bethel. Jacob recognizes that this is far more than only relocation, but a call to revival and renewal. He prepares his family by burying their false gods, and then leads them to Bethel where God blesses Him, changes his name, and reaffirms His covenant to Jacob. Jacob had to repent of his partial obedience and the life he had built on the “fringe” of God’s will in Shechem before he could go to Bethel. He had to surrender to the work God was doing in him before God could work through Him. And through every generation we see one consistent element, God is the one who remains faithful to His promise and to guard His covenant. In this sermon, Pastor Lane tracks with Jacob in his call to revival to call us to revival, to return to the Lord for His work to be fulfilled in our lives. We pray this message helps and encourages.
A Generation Passes. The Mission Advances. Genesis 35-36
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