Making Bank: Money & Identity 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

17-0604: Christians steward life’s treasure by grace to demonstrate the supreme glory of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Jesus says that no person can love or serve two masters, specifically God and money. So, if you do not steward your money to serve God then you will use God to serve your money. The most common way people fall into this deceit is by believing that money can do what only God do. Money creates a facade, but cannot provide what it promises, like security (Prov 18:11), satisfaction (Eccles 5:10) or favor with God (Prov 11:4). Money can do some good things, but will always fail at ultimate things. Money obligates us, and if we do not properly steward it will ultimately own (master) us. In this sermon, Pastor Lane identifies five common ways we establish our identity in money. Then, he provides five guards from God’s grace in Jesus Christ to help us live as stewards. We pray this sermon will help and encourage you.


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