Expression, life BY the Spirit – Pillar #3

Sermon Manuscript: 3-Expression, life by Spirit_18-0909 LifePoint Sermon Resource webpage Subscribe on iTunes   18-0909: Christians live by the Spirit to love others as we’ve been loved by God through the Expression of our life. What we come to know and believe about God changes the way we live. This is an inward change that God produces...

Making Bank: Money and Mission 2 Corinthians 9:12-15

17-0625: Christians glorify God and honor King Jesus when we understand that our obedience and generous giving invests in the forward-move of God’s eternal Kingdom in the world. Stewardship is God’s strategy to resource the operation of His mission through His people in the world: to grow and mature His people, to build the...

Life as a steward. // Sermon

In this final message of the “Ethos” series, Pastor Lane builds on the Christian identity (i.e., who we are In Christ) and teaches how a Christian is to live, as a steward unto God, to resource mission, expand the kingdom and live In the Master’s joy of blessing and reward. ...

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