Nine years, nine praises.

Today marks the 9th anniversary celebration of the launch of LifePoint Church. I want to share nine lessons, people, and points of praise to mark this date.

  1. Nine years passed between the time I first sensed the call to plant a church and when I actually planted. I was in seminary and one of my professors spoke of church planting. I knew then that this was for me. I went home that night and told my wife. She was convinced we were headed to the other side of the world. So was I. I began to contact everyone I knew to talk to them about it. I even volunteered to drive the seminary president to the airport early one morning so I could talk to him. (I almost wrecked the car on the way. A story for another time.) I’ve never officially counted how many times I was encouraged but given no direction or help. That became frustrating, so I put the idea away for nine years. God’s timing is not always our timing. In the meantime, keep praying, watching, and waiting. Keep pushing forward and pressing on. Keep serving. Seasons of “wait” are always integral to God’s plan where he makes you the person he desires you to be to do the work he is calling you to do. Not one moment will be wasted.
  2. Nine men that I love dearly and have proven invaluable for me in planting and pastoring. Everything I know to do in pastoring I learned from watching Lawrence Harrison, my father. Everyone should have a faithful older brother like Larry Harrison, who is tireless to encourage and love. Everyone needs a friend like Chris Bryant that can get anything done and is willing to do it for you. Blake Souter is the most energetic, non-stop man I know and has been a non-stop source to encourage me. Every situation calls for a calm, ordered, and peaceful voice of wisdom and encouragement like Al Webb. Frank Clark has shown that it is better to ask what you can do for others, instead of expecting others to do for you. He’s always encouraged me that what we were doing mattered for more than just the young people. He’ll probably never fully know how much he’s influenced this church. Dallas Gilion is by far the nicest guy I’ve ever known, and he’s wise. Sometimes a stressed pastor just needs a nice guy to take care of situations for him. Like a set of gears that turns the engine, Matt Solidum is ruthless to get stuff done to resource the mission. Everyone needs a Jon Goings to help you laugh and lighten up.
  3. Nine years is not that long, but it is half of your kid’s life while they are in your home. Take time to love your kids every day. Church planting will either enflame them with love for Jesus or embitter them at the sound of his name. Whatever my kids do in life, I pray they will always look at LifePoint with a deep love for Jesus.
  4.  You win people to what you win them through. This is a simple and profound principle. You will not effectively bait and switch people. “Bells and whistles” or “smoke and mirrors” may grow a large crowd, but they will only be a totally hacked-off mob when you can’t maintain the trickery. Only Jesus grows and matures disciples by the gospel being cultivated through a community of servants.
  5. Leadership means first servant. Though a leader should not get distracted by every job, no leader should be above any job. People serve in the church as they see servant and service modeled by the leader and leadership. When a leader is willing to do whatever it takes and models this among the church, an army of willing servants will be raised up to serve the mission.
  6. Followship is invaluable. LifePoint is full of the gifted, talented, bright, intellectual, strong, passionate, able, accomplished (and this list could go on a long time). My point is, the greatest quality of the congregation at LifePoint is their humility demonstrated through following their leaders. They know how to make leading a joy.
  7. We baptized nine people today. I am so thankful for these testimonies of baptism that include a young married couple, husbands and fathers, college dude, and children. There’s no greater way to celebrate the Lord’s work among his people. Baptism does something for the congregation that nothing else can do, it explodes hearts in joyous celebration. What a powerful testimony. What a powerful Savior. I’m praying for the first year we have 101 baptisms, and then to average that many or more per year.
  8. Nine years have passed and we’ve only just begun. May every moment be an investment to multiply gospel stories of salvation, redemption, and restoration for greater glory in every subsequent generation…until Jesus returns.
  9. I’ve been blessed to experience powerful gospel transformation in people’s lives all my life, and not once have I ever watched it and responded, “Well, that was okay.” Gospel transformation — the power of God changing a person’s life through the gospel of Jesus Christ — never dulls, tires, or fails to awe. Glory unto God who alone is worthy.

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