The Creation of Man, part 1 Genesis 2:4-17

19-1013: God created man as His steward on earth and blessed Him to thrive for His glory. Genesis two addresses the question of provenance extensively. As a new section of Genesis begins, we learn some new characteristics of God. Then, we learn how God created and the purpose for which He created man.In this...

Sourced from the Vine John 15:1-11

18-0325: Christians abide in Jesus as our source of life to bear fruit and glorify God. Jesus teaches the disciples a deeper understanding of God. He wants them to know and understand God so they will remember His words and trust in Him after He is gone. Abide is the prevailing concept he provides...

My grandfather, Papa. // Godly Fathers

I began reflecting on the importance of godly men several years ago in preparing a talk for the men of our church. I was struck by the number of men who shared their struggle with having no male figure, specifically a father, in their life from which to model godliness. The testimonies of these...

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