The Covenant of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25

19-1020: God established marriage as the supreme relationship of creation to glorify Him in abiding intimacy. Finishing the creation of man from Genesis Two, Pastor Lane shares the fourth distinctive of abiding intimacy in the covenant of marriage. Marriage is not what we make it, but what God created. God’s design for the marriage...

The Helper Will Come John 16:5-15

18-0415: Jesus sends Holy Spirit to carry forth His Kingdom work through Christ-followers in the world. As Jesus prepares the disciples for all that is about to occur in his death and resurrection, He teaches them to transfer the primary point of relationship from walking with Him on earth to walking by the Spirit....

Hated for Love John 15:18-16:4

18-0408: Jesus empowers Christ-followers to endure and advance His Kingdom mission by love. Jesus issues a strong warning to prepare his disciples, you will be hated by the world. Showing the foundation for worldly love and why they will hate His followers, Jesus draws a stark contrast of true love that He has been...

Fueled by the Triune God John 14:15-31

18-0311: The Christian life is fueled by the Triune God to display His love for all to hear and believe. Jesus is teaching his disciples to prepare them for his coming crucifixion and what that means for them after he departs from the earth. He introduces the Holy Spirit in this passage, the third...

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