The Struggle of Life (Colossians 2:1-7)

24-0512: Jesus Christ is supreme as Lord, and He calls people to live in full submission to become like Him. Paul writes to the Colossians to encourage their hearts to continue to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. But his letter is not without understanding of life. He is engaged in his own struggle,...

Questions of Faith 1 Corinthians 15

24-0331: The resurrection of Jesus Christ unlocks the mystery of the gospel to reveal the glory of God in eternal redemption! 1 Corinthians 15 is Paul’s longest treatment of the resurrection and all that it means for a Christian. And he approaches his teaching by questions that addresses issues about, and some against, the...

Set Free by Truth John 8:31-59

17-0402: Jesus sets us free from sin when we abide in His truth. Jesus addresses those who believe in Him in this passage. He introduces what it means to follow Him, often called discipleship, and how His truth transforms the life of those who follow Him. Pastor Lane sets forth three lessons that teach...

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