The Death of God John 19

18-0513: Jesus died as God so those who believe in His Name would receive eternal life in Him. The gospel of John brings us to Jesus trial, sentencing and crucifixion to show how Jesus died for sin. The trial is a travesty of justice like none other, and the sentence completely unjust. But God...

Four Witnesses to Jesus John 20

17-0416: Jesus gives new life to all who believe in Him. The resurrection accounts the most potent day in history that illumines all reality and eternity. Jesus’ resurrection on the third day showed that He alone is the power of life over death. Pastor Lane poses the questions, If Jesus is the power of...

Set Free by Truth John 8:31-59

17-0402: Jesus sets us free from sin when we abide in His truth. Jesus addresses those who believe in Him in this passage. He introduces what it means to follow Him, often called discipleship, and how His truth transforms the life of those who follow Him. Pastor Lane sets forth three lessons that teach...

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