The Resurrection and the Life pt. 2

17_1119: 17-1119: Jesus works resurrection power for life in all who believe in Him. No one else’s encounter with Jesus will ever suffice for you. We can glean from other’s experiences, but we must learn our own lessons and wrestle with our own questions and doubts. John provides a powerful picture of how God relates...

Four Witnesses to Jesus John 20

17-0416: Jesus gives new life to all who believe in Him. The resurrection accounts the most potent day in history that illumines all reality and eternity. Jesus’ resurrection on the third day showed that He alone is the power of life over death. Pastor Lane poses the questions, If Jesus is the power of...

The Resurrection Changes Everything, John 20 // Sermon

Pastor Lane teaches from John 20 and reveals five changes that the resurrection brings. The resurrection does change everything, death to life, sin’s separation to reconciliation, restores life’s meaning and purpose, personal ministry from Jesus, and relationship with Jesus. Have you believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ and received Him into your life? I...

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