The Covenant of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25

19-1020: God established marriage as the supreme relationship of creation to glorify Him in abiding intimacy. Finishing the creation of man from Genesis Two, Pastor Lane shares the fourth distinctive of abiding intimacy in the covenant of marriage. Marriage is not what we make it, but what God created. God’s design for the marriage...

Conversion: Divorce Matthew 5:31-32

19-0602: Divorce damages and destroys people, but Jesus heals and redeems to restore when we trust to obey Him. In these verses Jesus addresses a major problem in the first century. He shows that it’s been a major problem with people. But the way he addresses it is to bring clarity to the issue...


Living for Kingdom mission 1 Cor 7

16-0228: Living for God’s kingdom mission can get sidetracked by many things in life, but none more so that our relational statuses and situations in life. In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul addresses the situation in the Corinthian church that was distracting many from faithful living. He provides abundant commands, concerns, concessions and counsel to...

My grandfather, Papa. // Godly Fathers

I began reflecting on the importance of godly men several years ago in preparing a talk for the men of our church. I was struck by the number of men who shared their struggle with having no male figure, specifically a father, in their life from which to model godliness. The testimonies of these...

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