More Jesus. Less Self. Mark 2:1-12

20-0112: Christians live for more Jesus by sharing the gospel with all people because He forgives sin and gives life. The gospel of Mark records the story of four friends who bring a paralytic to Jesus, but they have to dig a hole in the roof and lower him. Mark records that when Jesus...

Time for More Jesus Mark 1:14-15

19-0113: Christians live for more Jesus by the gospel to bring God’s glory to all the earth. The gospel of Mark introduces Jesus’ earthly ministry by contrasting that moment in time against the reality of time. When Jesus comes, everything changes. In this message, Pastor Lane sets forth three truths for every person to...

Living as BeLoved Luke 10:1-9; 14:23

18-0819: Jesus sends Christ-followers into the world to live as His Beloved by laboring for Kingdom harvest. Jesus sends his followers on a training mission to teach them to do His redemptive work in His way, fully dependent upon Him. In this sermon, Pastor Lane teaches HOW LifePoint Church pursues her vision for “more...

COMPELLED: Treasure Transformation

  17-1029: Christians live compelled by God’s love to treasure gospel transformation that honors Jesus. Pastor Lane begins this message by providing a brief summary of Biblical transformation, what it is and how it is cultivated in a Christian’s life. Then, he provides five demonstrations from 1 Chronicles 29 that reveal how a Christian...

COMPELLED to Surrender my Life Judges 6-7

17-1008: Christians live compelled by God’s redeeming love to surrender to the Lord Jesus and walk in God’s will. The story of Gideon teaches a great truth about God, that He is all-sufficient in His work in and through our lives. Gideon and his army offered nothing of value or competence to the Lord,...

COMPELLED: A People of Full Devotion

17-1001: God’s redeeming love fills a Christ-follower to live compelled. Compelled means that we live in such a way that reflects the One by whom we have been loved. Our eternal hope is anchored in Jesus Christ, not in this world. God’s love that fills our lives compels us to live in such a...

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