18 Years: One Priority. Of First Importance.

22-1003: LifePoint Church exists to glorify God and make Jesus known by leading people to be real Christ-followers in life together. LifePoint aims to never forget where we’ve come from because every year has been a testimony to God’s grace. And where we are as a church today, and all that is before us,...

Biblical Sexuality and Gender, Part Two 1 Peter 3:16-17

“Scientific evidence to date clearly does not show the existence of a gene or genes that cause transgenderism. Instead, changes to a few limited regions within the human genome demonstrate a low level of correlation with a transgender identity. The simplistic “born this way” argument regarding transgenderism is inconsistent with current scientific research. The...

Biblical Sexuality and Gender Bibliography

This Bibliography provides a collection of resources that Pastor Lane is developing to to resource the church to live out a faithful witness in every realm and place where God has placed them, and to equip parents to teach their children a healthy and faithful Biblical sexuality at every age. This resource will continue...

Serve to Bless Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus takes a meager portion measured to feed a boy and blesses it to satisfy the multitude of thousands. Surely if a Christ-follower is to learn anything about serving from this miracle it is this, that a lack of natural resource never means lack of supernatural provision for ministry. ...

The Priority of Worship Ezra 3

22-0227: Worship centers God’s people on Jesus to serve His mission that produces more glory through worship. When the exiles returned they found that rebuilding was going to be hard. Fear of the people was real. So they began rebuilding by centering their lives on worship. Their practice reveals powerful impact on and importance...

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