Walk In The Light 1 John 1:5-10

24-0922: Christians live in fellowship with God when we walk in the light of His righteousness. After John opens his letter by introducing life with God as fellowship, he then moves to provide greater clarity about what fellowship really means. He begins with the truth that God is light. Then, he shows how we...

Fellowship: life with God (1 John 1:1-4)

24-0915: The essence of the Christian life is one of fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. The letter of First John opens in a unique manner characteristic of the Apostle John’s writing. In his introduction he reveals how we have life with God, and how real and eternal this life truly is because the...

Faithfulness on the Journey Ezra 8

Pursuing God is a journey of one’s whole life! This was not just a trip for these families nor only a new place to live, but a movement of life, a whole way of living. When we build our life centered on Jesus Christ and His Word, everything becomes about Him. Faithfulness may appear...

Fully Devoted Acts 2:42

17_0108: Christ-followers cultivate a life of full devotion to Jesus because He loves us. Life gets bombarded by constant demands for our attention and love. We must understand what devotion means and how we live it out. Pastor Lane looks at the earliest snapshot of the church from Acts 2:42 to present two stages...

UNITED to guard the fellowship 1 Cor 5

16-0214: Church discipline is a difficult topic for the church, and not a very popular one in the church today. But when a situation arises, God’s Word has not left us without direction and instruction for how to address open sin from a hardened heart in the church. In this sermon Pastor Lane explains...

Fellowship, 2 John // Sermon

Pastor Lane kicks off a brief series on Christian essentials. The first essential, fellowship, is seen in 2 John providing spiritual strength to walk in truth and love. Understanding what true Christian fellowship is yields three blessings: obedience, a constant guard, and relationships that grow true joy....

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