The Question of Greatness (Matthew 20:20-28)

24-0609: Greatness in God’s Kingdom is marked by humility to serve so others can hear the gospel and trust in Jesus. As Jesus journeys to Jerusalem with his disciples, a dispute arises about greatness. Jesus takes an opportunity to teach them about true greatness in the Kingdom of God. It is nothing like the...

Questions of Faith 1 Corinthians 15

24-0331: The resurrection of Jesus Christ unlocks the mystery of the gospel to reveal the glory of God in eternal redemption! 1 Corinthians 15 is Paul’s longest treatment of the resurrection and all that it means for a Christian. And he approaches his teaching by questions that addresses issues about, and some against, the...

Firm in Faith Isaiah 7-8

24-0128: Jesus proves sufficient to hold life firm when He is the center of all hope and faith. King Ahaz rejected God’s offer for a sign to receive his promise, and instead let his fear drive him to make a deal with the devil. But that was no deal. God warned him that his...

Faith Over Fear Matthew 14:22-33

Obedience is not about accomplishing something FOR God but trusting in Him to be brought close WITH God and made LIKE Him. Peter lost focus on Jesus by seeing the wind. Jesus allows our failure to teach us His sufficiency. He is not afraid of your little faith, but He calls you to Himself...

The Authority to Obey Ezra 5:1-6:12

22-0327: Christ-followers obey and serve God’s mission by His authority to accomplish His purpose for His glory in the world. Once the exiles return to work, the opposition questions them as to who has authorized them to do this. The Israelite’s answer reveals that they are living under God’s authority, and their hearts and...

Greater Faithfulness for New Glory Ezra 2

22-0220: God calls people to follow Him by faith that we might see His faithfulness in new ways for new glory. The list of returning exiles is significant, and can be easily overlooked. But there is much for Christians to glean from such a list for our understanding and encouragement. The greatest blessing of...

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