Questions of Faith 1 Corinthians 15

24-0331: The resurrection of Jesus Christ unlocks the mystery of the gospel to reveal the glory of God in eternal redemption! 1 Corinthians 15 is Paul’s longest treatment of the resurrection and all that it means for a Christian. And he approaches his teaching by questions that addresses issues about, and some against, the...

The Willing and Worthy King | Mark 16:1-8

20-0412: The willing and worthy King laid down His life so that you, by faith in Him, could be raised up with Him to new life. Against the world super-power of the Roman empire, Mark reveals the ultimate power of Jesus Christ. He captures Jesus’ true power on earth not by demonstrated feats of...

SEEing Jesus: Resurrection Day Matthew 28:1-10

19-0421: Jesus was resurrected to believe in Him, to behold Him as Lord, bow before Him in worship and bear a faithful witness to Him. Matthew’s gospel cries “Behold” the resurrection and beckons us to “See” Jesus as Lord. In this message Pastor Lane provides three truths to see Jesus as the Lord that...

Whose Fool are You? 1 Cor 1:18

18-0401: Jesus makes every person a fool, that either lives for self-glory or God’s glory. The Bible draws a sharp contrast between the person who lives for self and the one who lives for God’s glory by the term fool and folly. The tension that this contrast creates reveals the very point the Bible...

The Hammer and Spike of Good Friday

What’s the worst day you’ve ever had? What made it the worst? Actually, let’s not discuss it. Thinking about *that* day has a tendency to make *this* day the worst. Let me ask you this instead. What if *that* day could be redeemed, fully made right for good and glory? Redemption sometimes means good...


17-0414: Jesus Christ is the one boast for the Christian in all of life. Living by faith means that a Christian increasingly finds true meaning for all of life only through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. In this message, Pastor Lane identifies four areas of life for a Christian to refine...

Four Witnesses to Jesus John 20

17-0416: Jesus gives new life to all who believe in Him. The resurrection accounts the most potent day in history that illumines all reality and eternity. Jesus’ resurrection on the third day showed that He alone is the power of life over death. Pastor Lane poses the questions, If Jesus is the power of...

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