The Messiah Has Come: The Christ of God Matthew 1:1-17

20-0607: Jesus is Messiah, the Christ of God who fulfills every promise from God for everlasting life. Pastor Lane begins a new series for the summer, studying through the first four chapters of Matthew’s gospel. In fulfillment of God’s promised Messiah, Jesus descended from the founder of the Hebrew people, Abraham, and the royal...

The Christ of God John 10:22-38

17-0514: Jesus is the Christ, God’s Savior, who is worthy of worship and glory. Jesus is confronted by the Jews who ask him for a straight answer on whether or not He is the Christ. When He answers their question the accuse Him of blasphemy and want to stone Him. Jesus shows how His...

Jesus is the Christ John 1:1-18

16_0925: Jesus is the Christ, sent from God as savior of the world. John begins his gospel account by exalting Jesus, and placing him as the center and origin of all. In this message, Pastor Lane offer four exaltations for why every person should believe in Jesus. Then, the message ends with a story...

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