
Serve to Bless Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus takes a meager portion measured to feed a boy and blesses it to satisfy the multitude of thousands. Surely if a Christ-follower is to learn anything about serving from this miracle it is this, that a lack of natural resource never means lack of supernatural provision for ministry. ...

A Life Fully Given to Jesus | Matthew 14:1-12

22-0821: Jesus is worthy of a Christ-follower’s life fully given to spread His fame by faithfulness. Matthew 14 brings John the Baptist’s ministry to completion by telling how he was imprisoned and martyred by Herod. And in this way Matthew honors John for his life of faithfulness to introduce and point people to the...

Faithfulness on the Journey Ezra 8

Pursuing God is a journey of one’s whole life! This was not just a trip for these families nor only a new place to live, but a movement of life, a whole way of living. When we build our life centered on Jesus Christ and His Word, everything becomes about Him. Faithfulness may appear...

The Word and Hand of God Ezra 7

Ezra committed his life to the study of God’s law, to obey it and teach it to the people. God used Ezra to center His people’s lives on His Word, so that He would be most important to them....

The Authority to Obey Ezra 5:1-6:12

22-0327: Christ-followers obey and serve God’s mission by His authority to accomplish His purpose for His glory in the world. Once the exiles return to work, the opposition questions them as to who has authorized them to do this. The Israelite’s answer reveals that they are living under God’s authority, and their hearts and...

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