The Struggle of Life (Colossians 2:1-7)

24-0512: Jesus Christ is supreme as Lord, and He calls people to live in full submission to become like Him. Paul writes to the Colossians to encourage their hearts to continue to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. But his letter is not without understanding of life. He is engaged in his own struggle, writing from prison. Yet, he does not bemoan his situation. Rather, he exalts the supremacy of the Lord Jesus and tells them that he struggles for their growth and maturity in Christlikeness. When it comes to Christian growth and maturity we know Paul labored in it, we will struggle through it, but Jesus will prove supreme through it as we trust and follow Him. In this message, Pastor Lane identifies four struggles that define our full submission to Jesus Christ as Lord, and why His supremacy makes the struggle worth it. We pray this message helps and encourages.

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