The Woman and the Dragon, and Two Beasts Revelation 12-13

The Woman and the Dragon, and Two Beasts Revelation 12-13

23-0312: Jesus is the Christ who shed his blood to conquer Satan and all who are saved by faith are eternally secure in Him. A look behind the curtain into heaven provides a vivid picture of what transpires there before the turmoil on earth. Satan and his angels are real, powerful, merciless, and relentless to pursue and persecute God’s people, doing all they can to deceive and destroy people’s lives. But with all their effort to destroy, those who follow Jesus Christ, though we will suffer persecution, will not be defeated. We will surely undergo tests and trials to see if we love the Lord more than our own life itself, just as those who have gone before did. And even when it costs us our life, we will be victorious. As Scholar James Hamilton states, “it is better to die trusting Christ and clinging to the gospel than to go on living by denying that gospel. Better to die with the gospel than to live without it.” No matter how strong Satan may appear he was defeated once and for all at the cross. Christ-followers join in Jesus’s conquering to overcome Satan when we testify to the cross of Jesus Christ. We pray this helps and encourages.


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