What’s your plan to make an eternal investment in 2023?
I want to encourage and help you to walk with Jesus daily, strengthen your understanding of the Bible, and listen to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Great Shepherd, every day in this new year. This is a compilation of some of the greatest resources that I have used over the last several decades, and a couple of brand new ones that I look forward to using in 2023.
Before I list some devotional resources, I want to offer a few reminders and encouragements.
First, plan to personally engage in God’s Word.
Never settle for accepting what someone else offers about the Bible. Daily Bible reading, whether one chapter or passage, or multiple chapters daily, is the single best discipline for personal growth in the Christian life. From your reading, choose a verse to take with you throughout the day, and week, to meditate on.
Second, in all your reading aim to walk away with a clear, Christ-centered application.
Guard against two common expectations, reading to have an emotional experience and by asking “what must I do?” Rather, begin with “What does this passage teach me about Jesus?” and “How is it leading me to trust in Him and walk in obedience? The answers to these questions need not be long and elaborate. As a matter of fact, the simpler and more concise your response, the more likely it will lead you to remember Christ and deepen your understanding of Him and God’s will for your life, as you practice your obedience by faith.
Third, plan first to pray.
Start with a simple prayer that asks God to speak to you for understanding, clarity, and faith. Then, after you finish your reading, thank the Lord, respond to what you read, and anything you believe you sense Him saying to you. Keep a simple list of prayer needs for your life, for others, for your church, for church plants and missionaries, and for the needs that you see around you. Don’t feel like you have to pray for everything every day, but assign certain requests to specific days so everything gets covered in prayer on a regular basis.
Fourth, use a variety of resources throughout the week to encourage your heart to seek the Lord.
Consider the regular reading of hymns or psalms to encourage your heart. Consider singing at times, or listen to a song softly while you pray. Use a prayer guide like The Valley of Vision to read prayers that can guide your own prayer life. One of the best practices you can develop is your own prayer journal where you respond to your reading and record your own prayers to the Lord.
Finally, work your plan every day.
When you miss a day, pick up where you left off. If you commit to share your daily walk with one person each day it can provide a strong motivation for your faithfulness. Your daily walk with Jesus shared, whether with another brother or sister in Christ, a co-worker, neighbor or friend, will provide one of the strongest encouragements and most faithful witness to the world!
You’re going to spend a lot of time and money in 2023. Be sure to make a strong investment in eternity!
Bible Reading plans can be easy to find. Apps on our smart phones or Bible software offer plenty of good options. I offer one caution. If you use electronics for your Bible reading, guard against the distraction of drifting to email, messaging, or social media. This will always be a big temptation.
One of my long-time favorite resources for Bible reading has come from the Navigators Bible Reading Plan. You can find several great Bible reading plans on their website at https://www.navigators.org/resource/bible-reading-plans/. Basic Bible reading plans include a Chronological Reading Plan. This plan places each book of the Bible in its chronological order to read through the whole Bible in a year. A Book-by-Book Reading Plan leads you through the Bible in a year by reading through complete books. There are also Bible Reading plans that include passages from different portions of the Bible for each day from both Testaments. Here is a simple chart to read at your own pace. Whatever you do, make a plan, set a schedule for when you will work your plan every day, and make it your priority every week!
Here are some of my favorite devotional guides that I have used through the years. Why should you use one of these? Devotional guides draw from the wisdom of others to help you see and understand Christ in the Scriptures. They should not be a substitute from personal Bible reading, but they can serve as a great aid in learning to read the Bible in a Christ-centered way.
Morning and Evening, by Charles Spurgeon, Revised and Updated by Alistair Begg
- Description: Morning and Evening has been my favorite read devotional for the last ten years, since I first discovered it. Each day includes two brief readings, one for the morning and evening. The best quality of this resource is that the reader gleans from Spurgeon’s wit and wisdom, and his distinct skill to center everything on the gospel. While covering many different topics, with everyone he draws a straight line to the cross of Jesus Christ, helping the reader grow in their own ability to see Christ in all the Scripture. This resource is offered in many different media, from hardback to leather bound gift editions (my favorite), to a free electronic app.
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/aNfQ8o3
- com: https://www.christianbook.com/morning-and-evening-charles-spurgeon/9781581344660/pd/44664?event=ESRCG
- App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/spurgeon-morning-and-evening/id557102889 or https://apps.apple.com/us/app/morning-and-evening/id1425225593
Truth For Life, Volume One and Volume Two, Alistair Begg
- Description: Alistair Begg is one of the foremost gospel preachers today, who speaks with Biblical accuracy, daily relevance, and gospel clarity. These volumes will strengthen your grasp of the whole Bible, train you to read the Scriptures faithfully with Christ at the center, and provide an understanding and encouragement for daily walking with Christ by faith. Each day begins with a scripture verse, followed by a devotional commentary. At the bottom of each page is a Bible Reading Plan to read the Bible through in a year. These are brand new resources from 2021 and 2022.
- Amazon: Vol 1 – https://a.co/d/a3KstKD; and Vol 2 – https://a.co/d/2ZWfD8O
- com:
My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers
- Description: Oswald Chambers may be the most popular, well-known devotional of all. This devotional has become a timeless treasure of equipping and encouraging the reader in their daily walk with Christ. From the many topics addressed to the Christ-centered direction, Chambers provides a resource to encourage the reader year after year. This volume can be found in almost any media including leather bound, hardback, classic and gift versions, and electronic app.
- Amazon: [Classic Language Hardcover] https://a.co/d/g1kJJ8M
- com: https://www.christianbook.com/utmost-for-his-highest-updated-edition/oswald-chambers/9781627078757/pd/078757?product_redirect=1&search_term=My%20utmost%20for%20his%20&Ntt=078757&item_code=&ps_exit=PRODUCT%7Clegacy&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP
- App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-utmost/id505987321
New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional, Paul David Tripp
- Description: One of the newest devotionals, Tripp has quickly provided one of the most helpful resources for daily centering one’s mind and heart on the gospel. Each entry offers a brief word of wisdom and counsel, following by devotional commentary, and concluding with a recommended passage of Scripture for reading.
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/7cw5Q0Y
- com: https://www.christianbook.com/new-morning-mercies-daily-gospel-devotional/paul-tripp/9781433541384/pd/541384?event=ESRCG
The Journals of Jim Elliot, Edited by Elizabeth Elliot
- Description: This volume introduces the spiritual journey of one of the most well-known missionary martyrs in our modern day. Beginning in college, Jim began to read one chapter of scripture each day and journal his response with a gospel centered entry. This resource is helpful to aid the reader in learning to see Christ in all of Scripture as it also encourages one’s own practice of journaling to respond to God’s Word.
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/74tzODe
- com: [Hardback and eBook] https://www.christianbook.com/journals-elliot-repackaged-missionary-martyr-god/jim-elliot/9780800729455/pd/729455?event=ESRCG
You Are The Beloved: Daily Meditations For Spiritiual Living, Henri J. M. Nouwen
- Description: Compiled and Edited by Gabrielle Earnshaw, this volume offers daily readings from the cumulative writings of Henri Nouwen. Offering deep insight on the spiritual life with God, Nouwen is strongest in aiding the reader to more deeply understand and walk in God’s love to anchor their identity in Christ.
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/bGT22De
- com: https://www.christianbook.com/beloved-daily-meditations-for-spiritual-living/henri-nouwen/9780593443873/pd/3443873?event=ESRCG
Always in God’s Hands: Day by Day in the Company of Jonathan Edwards, Owen Strachan
- Description: Jonathan Edwards stands as one of the most brilliant of all Christian minds, while remaining one of the most helpful for every Christian. Edwards is most helpful in strengthening one’s theological foundation for life in the Spirit as he writes extensively on the life of our affections for Christ. Each day includes an excerpt from Edward’s writings followed by a brief commentary from scholar Owen Strachan.
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/5qCYivJ
- com: [Hardback and eBook] https://www.christianbook.com/always-hands-company-jonathan-edwards-ebook/owen-strachan/9781496424877/pd/96416EB?event=ESRCG
Walking With God, David Jeremiah
- Description: David Jeremiah offers his wisdom, insight, and encouragement from faithfully teaching the Scriptures for decades. Each day includes a Scripture verse, a brief devotional commentary, and a quote. Beautifully bound in imitation leather, this volume also includes some beautiful pictures.
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/3QSFto0
- com: https://www.christianbook.com/walking-with-god-devotional-luxleather-brown/david-jeremiah/9781642721515/pd/721516?event=ESRCG