A Fiery Furnace and a Fourth Man (Daniel 3)

24-0303: God delivers those who trust in Him and uses their life to testify, so the nations see His glory and worship Him. The demand of King Nebuchadnezzar to worship his golden idol was overwhelming in scope and threat, not unlike the pressure one feels to worship false idols in any age. But the...

Kingdom Harvest John 4:27-54

16_1211: Jesus sends His followers to labor for the harvest of His Kingdom and calls people to believe in Him. The most natural response to experiencing the power of Jesus is telling others about Him. Jesus instructs His disciples that the harvest is here and ready. In this message Pastor Lane identifies three aspects...

True Belief John 2:23-25

16_1030: Jesus entrusts Himself to those who truly believe in Him as the Christ of God. At the close of chapter two, John provides a reflection on the two introductions that he has provided of Jesus. He makes a startling statement; Jesus does not entrust himself to everyone who believes. These three verses create...

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