
LifePoint recently completed a weeklong prayer campaign. We focused on two aspects of prayer and two kinds of praying. Our theme for the week stated: “Prayer is the first act of love, the first labor of mission.” Intercession is the first act of love, where we seek to bring God to the needs of people,...

Human Trafficking in Southwest Missouri

Human trafficking blows across the Ozarks leaving destruction comparable to natural disasters, affecting thousands annually, yet remains largely unrecognized. Springfield Business Journal recently published an opinion article entitled “Human Trafficking is big business in the Ozarks”. The article confronts the prevalent opinion that the Ozarks couldn’t possibly be that affected by this criminal industry....

Church planting challenges, part 2

Note: This is the second article addressing challenges in church planting. You can read the first here. Planting churches means working through challenges that arise. Working through these challenges reveals the real grind of mission that heightens a demand for the Gospel, within individuals and a congregation. The whole church must work through these...

Church planting challenges, part 1

Church planting creates chaos and confusion. I am reminded of this reality any time I get near a church plant or listen to a church planter. People hate chaos and confusion. The demand of leadership can cause an intense aversion to it. I am convinced that this is one main reason why so many leaders steer clear...

Summer 2014: pressing in to press on.

Summer is an interesting season in American culture, typically known for major schedule shifts, vacations, late nights and the like.  Summer too often assumes a “check out” mentality rather than a “strive toward” attitude. Several years ago I began to implement a strategic shift in my sumer schedule. Several factors contributed to allow this shift....

What are you doing to other people?

Cynical people infect other people. Hurting people hurt other people. Broken people weigh down other people. Sin-driven people drive other people to sin-shaped actions, thinking, attitudes and habits or patterns. Jesus  pursues, heals, mends, ransoms, rescues, reconciles, restores and redeems by the power of the Gospel to walk in faith in the Truth of God’s...

New horizons, new excitement.

Nine years ago when my wife and I took that first step to follow Jesus and plant a church, I could not have imagined the excitement it would bring in our lives. There was plenty of “fear of the unknown,” but I only vaguely remember it. I can, however, vividly recall the excitement God...

Easter Impact: Let Us Draw Near

I love the Easter season. It is always a busy time of year. The first sign of spring at my house is the wild cherry tree in my back yard as it fills with cotton white blooms. Life springs anew. As a pastor, there is another reason I love this season. I love to...

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