The Stone of God: Foundation or a Fall (Matthew 21:33-46)

24-0804: Jesus is God’s Son sent to bring forgiveness of sin and righteousness to all who believe. Jesus has another confrontation with the Pharisees and religious leaders, and uses a parable to make His point with them. What began by Him not answering their question because He knew their motive, has become Him exposing their rebellious hearts. And like water on a dirt floor, when God’s Word through the gospel washes over the dirty sin of a person’s life it produces one of two effects; it either softens in faith unto repentance or hardens into further rebellion. Jesus uses a parable to answer questions they have not asked because the hardness of their heart from religious righteousness and pride would not recognize God’s revelation of His Messiah. In this message, Pastor Lane uses three question to help one discern what they are doing with Jesus in their life. We pray this message helps and encourages.

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