An Invitation to Not Ignore (Matthew 22:1-14)

24-0811: Jesus is the King who calls all to life in His Kingdom by faith, but you must respond with “Yes” to Him. Jesus completes his encounter with the religious leaders with a pointed parable. Unlike the previous encounters, there is no discussion or interaction, only a direct statement to make the point; For many are called, but few are chosen. In this way, the lesson is undebatable in its finality and application. “For many are called, but few are chosen.” is a statement to which we should give great pause to understand what Jesus is teaching here, as He introduces the doctrine of election. In this message, Pastor Lane identifies aspects of the doctrine both that are never true, though often wrongly stated, and of what we can learn about election. Finally, he concludes with three truths of the doctrine that compel one to place their faith in Jesus for eternal life. We pray this message helps and encourages.

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