The Bread of Life, part 1 John 6:22-59

17-0212: Jesus is the bread and drink that gives true life to all who believe in Him. After he feeds the five thousand, Jesus is confronted by the crowd asking him for another sign to verify his claims. The problem, though, is not that Jesus has not done enough for them to believe but that they remain in unbelief. The compare Jesus to Moses and say that he gave them manna in the wilderness. Jesus responds by telling them the manna came from God, and He is the Bread of Life that has come from God. In this first of two parts, Pastor Lane looks at five problems unbelief creates as ways to reject Jesus. And then shares that the only right response to unbelief is “Believe”. God is merciful and gracious. He gives faith by His Word to believe when we ask. We pray that this message will help and encourage you.

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