Jesus: My King or For My Kingdom John 6:1-21

17_0129: Jesus entrusts Himself to those who believe in Him and receive Him as Lord. Hard problems, challenges or great needs are not enjoyable, but they are always opportunities for God to work powerfully in our lives. In this message, Pastor Lane challenges the listener to consider what is going on in their life...

Son of God and Son of Man John 5:19-47

17_0122: Jesus is the love of God who gives life to all who believe in Him. Jesus’s miracle on the Sabbath creates a confrontation with the religious people. They were seeking to kill him for the work he was doing. Jesus addresses them to validate his work by His being. He shows that He...

The Work of God John 5:1-18

17_0115: Jesus reveals that He is God so we can believe and follow Him. Jesus did the work of God on the earth to show that He is God, but we do not always believe or accept Him. We often want to take the work of God without accepting the will of God. Drawing...

Fully Devoted Acts 2:42

17_0108: Christ-followers cultivate a life of full devotion to Jesus because He loves us. Life gets bombarded by constant demands for our attention and love. We must understand what devotion means and how we live it out. Pastor Lane looks at the earliest snapshot of the church from Acts 2:42 to present two stages...

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